Khuswant Singh Autobiography in Bangla by Anwar Hossain

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Book Name: Khuswant Singh Autobiography in Bangla
Book Category : Bangla Translation, Autobiography
Book Writer: Khushwant Singh
Book Format: PDF File (Portable Document Format)
Book Language: Bengali
Book info:126 pages and 7.78 Megabytes. 
Book Courtesy: Amarboi Online

Writer Biography/Profile: Khuswant Singh
Khuswant Singh was born in Hadali, a small village in the Punjab province of India in 1915. He grew up in the custody of his grandparents after his parents shifted to Delhi. His childhood reminiscences often crafted the themes and characters of his stories. He studied at Government College, Lahore and at King’s College and the Inner Temple in London.
Singh practised law in Lahore and after independence he joined the Indian Ministry of External Affairs as information officer in London. The official boredom drifted him to literary pursuing. The Mark of Vishnu (1950) acknowledged his authorship. Singh resigned his job and wrote the first historical account The Sikhs on the religiosity and ideology of his community. His most notable fiction Train to Pakistan was published in 1956. The story recounts the tale of a somnolent village named Mano Majra, apparently undisturbed by communal clashes. The village resembled a self-sufficient unity until the train from Pakistan laden with slain corpses of Hindus, Sikhs, refugees and militants shattered its peace and tranquillity.

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